SAERTEX presents its latest product: with the new SAERcore®, an optimized material, the company is setting a milestone by using a core made from 100% recycled materials.

SAERTEX will be presenting this new product at the leading trade fair for the composites industry, JEC WORLD 2024 in Paris. The core optimization of SAERcore® represents an innovative step in the development of environmentally friendly materials. By using only recycled material, not only is the environmental impact minimized, but also the use of resources is raised to a sustainable level.
The advantages of SAERcore® are varied and impressive. The material is characterized by increased productivity, which is achieved through a faster resin flow. This contributes to more efficient production. In addition, the new SAERcore®, manufactured at SAERTEX France in Arandon, is significantly easier to drape. This improved handling offers our customers a further enormous advantage.
The development of SAERcore® is currently in its final stages and SAERTEX is looking forward to presenting this innovative material to the market. With this new product, the company remains true to its vision “innovation for a resource saving future”.

LEO Infusion Resin

LEO Protection Layer (Topcoat / Gelcoat)

Core Materials (Optional)

LEO Reinforcement Material
(Glass / Carbon / Aramid / Hybrid)